Weekly Webinar

138-Tech Behemoth Earnings, Stocks and Market Analysis

Earnings, earnings and more earnings. This session is mostly about earnings from tech giants - Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google and others

137-Earnings, Crisis in China, Cost of Portfolio Insurance, Stocks and Market Analysis

Starting with Marcro Overview, we then deep dive into the crisis in China. China's financial sector is feeling the pressure. We also review the earnings of Tesla and SNAP Finally, we review a resea...

136-Deep Dive into Digital Advertising, Stocks and Market Analysis

As always, start with overview of macro economy and then dive into the current situation in the market. Digital Advertising - In this section we cover the whole 9 yards of Digital Advertising ecosys...

135- Think About Risks, Stocks and Market Analysis

As always, start with overview of macro economy and then dive into the current situation in the market. Stock based Compensation - During the review of financial statements, we briefly touched upon ...

134-State of Cloud 2022 Report by BVP, Stocks and Market Analysis

As always, start with overview of macro economy and then dive into the current situation in the market. Crypto News Understanding Cash Flow Statement - Cash Flow has never been more important than ...

133-Cash Flow Statement, Business Moats, Stocks and Market Analysis

As always, start with overview of macro economy and then dive into the current situation in the market. Crypto News Understanding Cash Flow Statement - Cash Flow has never been more important than ...

132-Understanding Balance Sheet, Earnings Review, Market and News Analysis

As always, start with overview of macro economy and then dive into the current situation in the market. Crypto News Understanding Balance Sheet - various ratios in balance sheet and how to use it f...

131-US Debt bomb, Nvidia Earnings Deep Dive, Market Analysis

As always, start with overview of macro economy and then dive into the current situation in the market. US Debt - Who owns it? Earnings - Nvidia

130-Portfolio Protection Strategies, Quickfire Earnings Analysis

As always, start with overview of macro economy and then dive into the current situation in the market. Then we review various portfolio protection strategies using options. Finally, we end the sessi...