
Short Put

The short put option strategy is a bullish options trading strategy with a limited profit potential with substantial theoretical loss if stock goes down to zero value.

Long Call Stratergy

The long call option strategy is a bullish options trading strategy with a theoretical unlimited profit and a limited loss.

Long Straddle Strategy

The long straddle is a neutral options trading strategy. It is compromised of a long call and long put, both ATM options.

Trading Options Part-Time

Is it possible to trade options part-time while working in full time job and still generate consistent income? I will address this million dollar question

012-Soft underbelly, Trades Reviews, Option Management Case Study

We review an interesting option trade that seemingly was zero risk trade but ended up blowing the account

Put Credit Spread Strategy

It is comprised of a short put and a long put , and is sometimes also referred to as a “bull put spread” or “short put spread”.