Trading Options Full

Can one trade options while working full time?

Absolutely Yes ! I never thought it would be feasible until I had done it for a few years consistently. I have been trading options since 2017 while working full time in my day job . Trading options helps me generating alternate source of income without taking too much risk.

For years, I thought that option trading is only for full time traders. I was under impression that it is too complex and cannot be done along side a full time job. I was living under this fallacy until I actually learnt “options” the right way. Since then, I have been trading options while also working full time. More details of my story

Is options trading easy ?

 would not sugar coat it. Let me say it upfront that options trading is not as easy as stock trading. It does take time and patience to learn options trading the right way. All claims you hear about “fast money using options” are bogus or work only as long as the market cooperates. You will need to spend time , to learn it. There is no get-rich-quick formula.

How is Option Gig different than others ?

Most of the other education websites are from ex professional full time traders and meant for full time traders. If you are part time trader, then it will be overwhelming for you to mimic full time professional trader’s behavior

At OptionGig, my focus is towards those traders who work full time in their day jobs and would like to trade options to supplement income. I preach what I do.

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